What are the future trends of big health industry?|大健康产业的未来趋势?

According to the main indicatorsof Healthy China Construction, the market scale of health care in big health industry in China will exceed 8trillion yuan in 2020. The industry will enter the golden decade in thefuture. In this circumstance, Rupert HoogewerfResearch Institute, provides high-quality ranking list and research, jointlyreleased the "2020 Big Health White Paper of Yingkang Life &RupertHoogewerf Research Institute" together with Yingkang Life.

根据健康中国建设主要指标显示,2020年我国医疗大健康产业市场规模将大于8万亿元。未来产业将进入黄金10 年。在此大环境下,提供有质量的榜单与调研的胡润研究院携手盈康一生联合发布《2020盈康一生胡润大健康白皮书》。


The information showed in the White Paper Report


In the past 70 years, the healthlevel of Chinese residents has been continuously improved, and the average lifespan has increased from 35 to 77 years old. With its main health indicators aresuperior to the average level of middle and high-income countries. Which solvedthe problem of medical treatment for one sixth of the world's population withrelatively small investment. Medical and health undertakings in China haveembarked on a road with Chinesecharacteristics.


Under the background that "Healthy China" has become anational strategy, "investing inhealth" can promote the transformation of "demographic dividend"into "health dividend" and inject new vitality into economicdevelopment. The rapid growth of China's health industry is due to the hugepopulation base and the increasingly severe aging problem, and also thecontinuous guidance and strong support of national policies.


Bighealth industry is a collective concept, if expanded from the field ofindustrial chain, which including medical device manufacturing, medicalservices and bio-safety.


Medical Equipment manufacturing


· Since the 21st century,with the rapid increase of medical demand brought by the improvement of livingstandards and the aging population, as well as a series of national policies toencourage the innovation and import substitution of domestic medical devices,the whole domestic medical device manufacturing industry has stepped into astage of rapid growth. The sales scale of China's medical device market hasincreased from 120 billion yuan in 2010 to 3, 08 billion yuan in 2015. Themedical device market maintains a 20% growth rate from 2015 to 2020.


·Comparedwith the international market, China's medical device market has a huge growthspace. The scale of medical device market in developed countries has beenequivalent to that of drug market in the same period, while the market ofmedical device in China is only 1 / 5 of that in the same period, and therewill be broad space for growth in the future.


Source: National Bureauof statistics
·As a high-performancemedical device, tumor radiotherapy equipment has always attracted greatattention. In a broad sense, there are more than 10 kinds of tumor radiotherapyequipment. Gamma knife treatment because of its good cost performance willstill be the main equipment of radiotherapy in China on the current situationand for a long time in the future.

肿瘤放疗设备作为高性能医疗器械,历来受到人们的极大关注。广义上的肿瘤放疗设备有10 余种,伽玛刀凭借良好的性价比优势,基于当前及未来相当长一段时间的国情下,仍将成为国内放疗的主力设备。

·Gamma knife treatmentis a rare large-scale medical equipment in China, with its technology in thetop level worldwide


·There is a big gap inthe penetration of radiotherapy equipment in China compared with developedcountries such as Europe, America and Japan. According to the statistical dataof the World Health Organization, by the end of 2013, China had only 1.1radioactive treatment equipment per million people, far lower than the percapita level of developed countries.


Medical Service


·With the rapid growth of China'seconomy, the contradiction between the overall shortage of medical services(hospitals, professional rehabilitation institutions,recuperating services, etc.) and the continuous growth of demand hasbecome increasingly prominent in the social background of the risingurbanization rate, the aging population, and the implement of the two childpolicy, the surge of medical expenditure willingness and the upgrade ofconsumption. At the same time, since the new medical reform in 2009, the scale of medical service market hasgrown steadily, and social medical service has ushered in unprecedenteddevelopment opportunities.

随着中国经济的快速增长,在城镇化率提升、人口老龄化、二胎政策放开、医疗支出意愿提升以及消费升级的社会背景下,医疗服务(医院、专业康复机构、疗养服务等)供给总体不足与需求不断增长之间的矛盾日益突出。同时,自2009 年新医改以来,医疗服务市场规模稳健增长,社会办医迎来前所未有的发展机遇。

·Thenumber of non-public hospitals exceeds that of public hospitals, reaching 14500. But itis still facing the problem of with large number but of low quality, it is at adisadvantage in terms of number of beds and the number of diagnosis andtreatment.




Datasource: National Health Commission

· Among all kinds ofspecialized hospitals, the top three types of average revenue is Tumo hospital,Chest hospital and Children's hospital.


· With a variety ofsocial capitals actively develop medical treatment industry, and the momentumof non-public hospital collectivization is strong. From the perspective of thetypes of social capital participants in non-public hospitals, the mostrepresentatives in China are the four major non-public medical groups includingCR Medical, CITIC Medical&Health,PKU Heal Thcare and Fosun Pharma.


· At present, we have a quite numberof non-public hospitals in China, and the next step we are facing now is how tochange the situation from quantitative changes to qualitative changes.




· In the 21st century, biotechnologyis developing rapidly worldwide, and the scale of related industries isexpanding continuously, which plays an important role in solving the crisis offood, population, resources, energy, environment and so on. It is inparticular, the rise and development of genetic engineering technology, hasmade the impact of modern biotechnology on human being more and more obvious,and the industries related to biotechnology have gradually become one of thepillar industries of the domestic economy in the 21st century. Biosafetyemerges with the birth of genetic engineering, science and technology is alwaysa double-edged sword, while benefiting human beings, its potential negativeeffects are also exposed. Therefore, biosafetyhas become a hot issue in the whole society.

进入21世纪,生物技术在全球范围内迅速发展,相关产业规模不断扩大,这对解决人类所面临的食物、人口、资源、能源、环境等危机具有重要的作用,尤其是基因工程技术的兴起和发展,使现代生物技术对人类的影响越来越突出,与生物技术相关的产业逐渐成为21 世纪国民经济的支柱产业之一。生物安全随着基因工程的诞生应运而生,科学技术永远是一把双刃剑,在造福人类的同时,其潜在的负面影响也凸显出来。因此,生物安全问题也成为全社会关注的焦点。

·In2018, the scale of biological industry reached nearly 5 trillion yuan. The main businessincome and profit of enterprises above designated size in pharmaceuticalindustry increased by 13.34% and 10.82% respectively over the same period oflast year. Among them, the above indicators of "manufacturing of geneticallyengineered drugs and vaccines" and "manufacturing of medicalequipment and devices" reached 34.4% and 24.1% respectively.

2018 年生物产业规模达到近5万亿元。医药工业规模以上企业主营业务收入和利润同比分别增长13.34% 和10.82%, 其中“基因工程药物和疫苗制造”与“医疗仪器设备及器械制造”的上述指标分别达到34.4% 和24.1%。

·Therise of domestic demand is closely related to the vigorous development ofChina's biomedical field. The consumption of scientificresearch and clinical biological samples, as well as drugs, vaccines and bloodis increasing day by day, and the safety of its storage and use has alsoattracted more and more attention.



From 2011 to 2018, the compoundannual growth rate of cryogenic storage market of domestic biomedical was4.44%, with a higher increase than that of the global market.



上一篇 2020年10月27日 上午12:00
下一篇 2020年10月29日 上午12:00


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